Your Safety, Our Commitment

LCSW Joins in Paying Tribute to Our Soldiers

Today, Memorial Day, the Lakewood Civilian Safety Watch would like to acknowledge the contributions of the men and women of the United States Military, who risk their lives every day for our safety.

Included among them, we are proud to recognize the military service of our own volunteer members, Paul Klemen, staff sergeant in the United States Army Reserve and Ray Cherboni, private first class military police officer in the United States Army Reserve, as well as Lakewood’s cherished Mayor Menashe Miller, Major in the United States Air Force Reserve and ardent supporter of LCSW.

Our prayers at this time go out to Monmouth County’s acting prosecutor, Christopher Gramiccioni,  another longtime LCSW supporter, who is currently serving in Afghanistan as part of the Naval Special Warfare.

LCSW feels privileged to have been a part of Lakewood’s Memorial Day parade this morning and to serve a country protected by the noble men and women of the United States Military.